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May 10

Need Clarity on the Vaccination Law? This May Take Awhile


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Senate Bill 277, the state law requires school vaccinations, goes into effect on July 1st, yet there is still no clear answer on what the law means for special education students.   The new law eliminated exemptions based on religious and personal beliefs and requires all public and private school students vaccinated against communicable diseases, with an exception only for medical reasons.  

School officials have turned to the California Department of Education to clarify the law which they fear is in conflict with The Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  IDEA states "students who qualify for special education services, such as intensive reading interventions that are provided in general classrooms, must receive those services."     The California Department of Education has stated that they do not plan on interpreting the new law, and instead will recommend guidance from the California Department of Public Health.  

An article was written by Jane Meredith Adams and published in the May 9th edition of Ed Source highlights the California controversy and why it is likely that no clear answer will be provided before the July 1st deadline.