Dr. O. Joseph Mahabir Named Keynote for CAPSES Spring Conference, Author of "The Marginalization of Students In Need"
Dr. O. Joseph Mahabir will present the keynote session for the CAPSES 2016 Spring Conference on March 28, 2016, at Pacific Oaks College in Pasadena, California.
Dr. Mahabir will discuss his book, The Marginalization of Students in Need” which surveys the exclusion of students with disabilities from obtaining the appropriate education in the early history of the nation to the current time. It finds that in spite of the tireless efforts of parents, advocates, court legislation, and federal mandates, students with disabilities especially minority students and second language learners, still continue to be deprived of an appropriate education. Even though there was an honest effort by both federal and state governments to improve the quality of education for children with disabilities, this was not occurring at the school level. They still continue to be deprived of the opportunity of an education in the regular education setting and become candidates for referral to special education. Dr. Mahabir will discuss “the trinity, which is the partnership between students-family-school, his personal experiences, insights and his research.
Dr. Mahabir is experienced in both Regular and Special Education. In Special Education, he held positions as a teacher, program specialist, program coordinator and Director of Special Education. He is currently working as a Certified Credential Consultant for the Los Angeles County Office of Education. He is also an adjunct professor at Pacific Oaks College in Pasadena. He recently had a book published entitled, “The Marginalization of Students in Need”.
To learn more about the conference and to see the entire line-up of speakers, go to the CAPSES event calendar.