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Attend a CAPSES Event


Nov 28

CAPSES Administrator Training & Legislative Days - Registration is Open


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CAPSES Administrator Training and Legislative Days are set for January 30 through the 31st, 2017 in Sacramento California.  

For two days,  Nonpublic School and Agency administrators from across the state gather in Sacramento.  Monday, January 30th is Administrator Training Day and focuses on the latest pressing issues that impact, or have the potential of affecting our schools and agencies and the special needs student population that we serve.  

Tuesday, January 31, is dedicated to Legislative Day where attendees will spend the first half of the day learning of the latest Governmental Affairs Updates.  The remainder of the day will be spent visiting Assembly Educational and Senate Education Committee legislators to address key issues and their impact on Nonpublic Schools and Agencies.  

Register now to receive early registration discounts.